Hi and thanks for stopping by. I’m Suzanne Joy Martin and I’m your photographer for all things family.
I’ve a husband Garry and 2 adult daughters and over the years have built up a huge collection of family photos. They’re my greatest treasures, truly the most valuable possessions that I have. I remember when I moved into our present family home, one of the boxes we started unpacking was FULL of these photographs, I can tell you that we ALL stopped work to look over all of them, and we shared tears and laughter as we I held them, and even smelt the ageing paper, they took us back in time. Remembering our children as they were when they were little and all of the things we did together, how absolutely precious...
It made me remember their quirky little habits. Cuddling with them on the couch watching tv and reading those bedtime stories over and over again. The little things about what they liked to wear and their cheeky expressions.
The only thing missing in them was me, as you can guess, (and I know from my business, that I'm not the only Mama who's been guilty of this, as it's often why my mother's come to me, to capture family portraits so they can actually be IN them, ha ha ha), I was usually the photographer..... something I have fixed in later years!
Photos are a connection to our family’s past. This has never been truer for me now, as my own mum is ageing, memory failing, images of her are so, so dear to me and imagine how valuable these images will be to my daughters. The same, I'm sure, is for you... can you remember when your parents were young? How much do you love finding any images of them that you've never seen when they were younger, even perhaps before you knew them?
This is why, my passion for photography (and teaching dance to children) make a perfect combination for capturing those very precious family connections now, whilst they are still young, and even if they're not, well trust me, it's even more important to capture them right NOW.
I know, sometimes, you worry that the children won't behave, or hate having their photos taken, but that's usually just by YOU ha ha ha, because you've 'tortured' them since the day they were born with photos.
But that's not me! This is where my professionalism and skills with children come into play! Let me show you how you can have a fabulous time capturing your precious family together, and yes, you'll have me guiding you and looking after you, so that YOU can be IN THEM.
You can just leave the children to me and genuinely enjoy the closeness and joy I'm going to help you create and capture. Families come in all different shapes and sizes and capturing your individuality is what I love. Honestly, I feel blessed, my life and heart is full with my family - they're the most important thing to me, as I'm sure are yours to you.
This is why I have found my passion in capturing families and I want you to have the memories that I know you and the generations of your family to come, are going to cherish forever.
Hugs Suzanne
PS: By the way, I haven’t mentioned our fur babies who are also such a big part of my family, I am a proud grandparent of 2 dachshunds and also have a cheeky 2 year old cat.
So if like me you're furry friend crazy, then just know that they're more than welcome to join the family fun!